Web Maintenance Service

A website needs regular web maintenance service to update its software, server resources, and also keep website content fresh. Regularly scheduled updates can prevent downtime and keep your website up-to-date. Web maintenance services can help you maintain your site with minimal effort on your part and are a much more cost effective way than hiring in-house staff or constantly calling in new IT companies to handle it for you. The cost of fixing and restoring, and then securing a hacked website that has been compromised vs. a low monthly maintenance fee make choosing to go the regular maintenance route a no-brainer.

For your website to stay healthy, and free from security threats, it’s important to update core software on the website as well as update your website’s front end. It’s recommended that you have a regular schedule for maintenance, and to perform maintenance when an update is required, or to deal with website-related security threats.


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Outsourcing Web Maintenance

Many companies choose to outsource their website maintenance to a web company like Hypno in order to have it performed on a regular basis, so it’s something they do not have to worry about. There are technical considerations that make self-maintenance not always easy for the average non-technical person. So it makes sense to leave the chore to someone who is an expert.

No web maintenance headaches

We include the first month of website maintenance with every website that we design and produce. That means you can leave all the technical requirements to us to perform maintenance and we take care of all the management and security updates for you. Many clients elect to have us continue our maintenance service so that their websites continue to run efficiently, and smoothly.

Website Maintenance Service

Our monthly maintenance service can be applied to any website we design and build for you. It is an affordable monthly fee that includes:

• Backing up entire existing website, database, and content
• Updating software like the core Content Management Systems
• Running other software updates, for plugins, scripts, 3rd party items
• Testing the website
• Troubleshooting any issues, and fixing them
• Updating PHP, MySQL, and server software on our hosting servers or on our monitored cloud servers.

Why it pays to have a web maintenance program

A database-driven website needs regular attention to keep it current and running smoothly. Updates like these can prevent downtime, and keep your website secure from hackers and spammers.
• Having a maintenance program means you only need to worry about running your business, and not running your website.
• Ongoing management – We take care of all ongoing management, security updates, back ups, site backups, domain renewals, plugin updates
• Technical support – We offer help with website issues through email or phone calls
• Our website maintenance program is great even if you have another hosting company or if you have a cloud hosting solution. Our staff is capable of managing issues on most hosting platforms.

Can’t I just let my website sit, and do nothing for a while?

Yes, you can let your website sit and do nothing. But being the owner of a website means that you have a number of responsibilities that go well beyond having the site up and running. You are responsible for keeping your website online to support your business. You are also responsible for having an effective security plan in place to handle security-related threats as they come up. You are responsible to the visitors to your website, to ensure that their visit is safe from malware, and other cyber threats. And of course, you are responsible to your customers and staff who use the website internally, and may expose your network to malware. Even if you do nothing, there are still many things that can go wrong – software updates need to be installed, security threats must be handled, and backups need to take place. That money that was spent on design and development of your website could be entirely wasted. Getting a provider for regular monthly maintenance is a cost effective way to save yourself the headache of having to deal with everything that could go wrong with the maintenance and management of your website.

But how affordable is it really?

You may be surprised to learn that most monthly web maintenance packages start at about $75 per month. Depending on the type of website and the complexity of what’s involved in its running and maintenance needs, it goes up from there. It’s well worth the investment to have a website that is always updated, that performs well and stays secure from hackers and spammers. Generally the monthly maintenance fees will be far less than if you were to hire a consultant to clean and restore your site after it has been hacked. Restoring your reputation after a website has been compromised by a hacker, may be far more difficult, and far more costly.

In addition to regular site security monitoring, we perform regular site maintenance tasks. If you opt for our service, we’ll also provide:
• A single point of contact for anything related to your website including programming and management of your plugins and content management system (CMS)
• Security research and corrections to keep your website safe from hacking attempts
• Updates to content on the website for fixing typographical errors, or any small bugs

We also provide new content

Website maintenance is a chore

We provide clients websites with copywriting, and blog page additions so their website stays fresh. We can create new content as well like Video and Explainer Videos, that drive and boost traffic to your website. We also provide SEO and online marketing services like Social Media Marketing to keep traffic coming to your website.

We can create an ongoing blog to keep your site up-to-date on current news and events happening in your company or organization. We can also add new content to your site as needed, such as pages, and additional posts.

Why not do it myself you ask?

Do you have the time? Do you have the expertise? In most cases it is wise to hire a website maintenance service to take care of website needs for you, as it can be technical, requiring some programming knowledge, and understanding how to troubleshoot issues that may arise. Maintaining websites requires specialized knowledge. A successful website is a secure, updated website. If you are the type of person who enjoys working behind the scenes with computers, then you may enjoy maintaining your own site yourself. But if not, we recommend that you hire maintenance program experts who can handle it for you.

We look forward to helping you. Contact Us now for a free quote on a monthly maintenance plan for your website. You’ll feel better, that you did.


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