Websites today can be quickly made by anyone with a credit card and a few hours of time. Your website design cost could be zero. Just set aside a quiet morning, grab a coffee, and focus on your...
Startups Tips articles
Choosing a Web Design Company
If your business doesn’t have a website, it might as well not exist. You need a good web design company, who understands your business. Our modern world is so reliant on technology and an online presence that very few people will purchase a product or service without researching it extensively online first.
Top 7 tips to choosing a good logo designer
Sometimes the last thing needed before the mad rush to market, is a brand new logo for the new company. It may be an afterthought, but many startups turn to the internet to look for logo designers, and find there are more companies out there designing logos than there are stars in the sky. How does a startup know where to turn and how much to spend?